Saturday, October 07, 2006

Google aids in solving a case

In 1982, Canadian man Jaroslaw ‘Jerry’ Ambrozuk, 19, crashed a rented plane in a lake and left his girlfriend to die. The couple had been attempting to elope to the United States. Dianne Babcock, 18, was found strapped into the passenger seat of a Cessna, 150 feet down at the bottom of the lake, uninjured apart from a broken collar bone.

Ambrozuk then disappeared completely. He was charged with negligent homicide, but Montana authorities held out little hope of finding him. But in August this year, Flathead County sheriff James Dupont received a phone call from a woman who had answered a lonely hearts advert on the Internet posted by “Michael Lee Smith.” They exchanged e-mails and then met in person. Eventually, he told her his real name and date of birth. She went home and did a Google search and found a newspaper story about the case.


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